„Our mission is to provide customers with solutions and products that increase their productivity, streamline processes and will serve them reliably in terms of functionality, durability and safety, while increasing their value, if possible beyond their expectations.“
We will increase your productivity, streamline and automate your processes.
We will design custom lines, robotic workplaces and Special purpose equipment.
We try to establish a long-term partnership with the customers so that we know their processes and customs, which will allow us to respond faster and more effectively to their needs. We want the customer to be satisfied not only with the final product, but also with the entire process solution from the task assignment to the final delivery.
The result of our work are deployed solutions in the form of Automated lines, Robotic workstations, Special purpose machines, Test and control stations.
The company ARSYS, s.r.o. was founded in 2007 under its original name of CONCAD, s.r.o. The company was initially founded as a design office focused on engineering activities, with the aim of processing and supplying the production and design documentation. The design documentation was supplied to the domestic and foreign partners.
In 2008, we became the contracted supplier for the processing and documentation designing solutions for the largest Slovak steel company. Over time, we decided that we also want to be our own machinery supplier of our design solutions.
In 2009, we delivered our first Special purpose machine and in 2011, the first Assembly line for the completion of interior parts for the automotive industry.
The first devices, we built in cooperation with manufacturing companies and external subcontractors for electrical installation and programming of control systems. Gradually, we introduced our own production and hired specialists for all the necessary professions related to the implementation of our solutions. Today, we provide comprehensive solutions from the initial design to the final commissioning at the customer by our own internal employees, which allows us to respond more flexibly to the needs of our partners.
In 2021, we changed the company’s headquarters and moved to larger premises. On that occasion, we also changed the name of the company from CONCAD, s.r.o. to ARSYS, s.r.o. (Automation and Robotic Systems), which better describes our focus from a business point of view.
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Sídlo: Werferova 6,
040 11 Košice
Prevádzka: Železničná 2,
044 14 Čaňa
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